Technological Infrastructure
Contact usTechnological Infrastructure
We have a multidisciplinary team highly trained to face any kind of technological infrastructure project, adaptation of high level data centers such as re-engineering, taking into account the technical, physical, environmental and economic aspects.
Adaptation and Installation of Data Centers
Adaptation and improvement of data centers, electrical wiring, reliable energy systems, placement of false floors, cooling systems, all under the rules governing data centers. (among which Tier Standard UI ).

Consulting, installation and configuration of servers
Our professionals offer the best alternative to clients, taking into consideration the budget and needs when selecting the architecture to work with, as well as the projections of the company or corporation and scalability.
Web servers
Consulting, installation, configuration and administration of Apache, NGINX, Varnish, CPanel, Plesk, HA, Web Cache, PHP, Php-Fpm servers.

Database Servers
Consulting, installation, configuration and administration of database servers such as MsSql Server, Mysql, PostgreSQL. We have a qualified team and DBA with extensive experience.
Domain Controllers
Consulting, installation, configuration and administration of network domain controllers as well as “file & print”, for centralized administration of network users, as well as management of clear and precise policies on the use of network resources, likewise, traffic monitoring, offering availability, confidentiality and integrity of stored information.

Email Server
Consulting, installation, configuration and administration of e-mail servers, as well as instant messaging services for corporations, such as the Zimbra collaborative suite, among others.
DNS Server
Consulting, installation, configuration and management of DNS servers (Name Server), these servers are of vital importance to corporations, because it falls on short fire services, anti-spam policies, spoofing, and a host of possible security features, as well as mail services, PTR, among others.

Documentary and Content Managers
Consulting, installation, configuration and administration of servers for document management, ERP, CRM and collaborative tools with centralized and classified content, ideal for large corporations that need to centralize documents, operations manuals and rules of daily use of staff.
Audio and Video Streaming Systems
Consulting, installation, configuration and administration of Audio and Video Streaming servers adapted to the client’s needs.

Contact Us
Phone Numbers:
Venezuela:+58 424-457.81.18 Panama: +507 629-08.234
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