
When we want to open a website we expect that we will have many consumers and good online receptivity; to bring the website to the top of success. However, users must be given their own benefits like them to our website; therefore, slow sites make customers leave our page; because of the problem of not loading quickly what they are reading or listening, and simply leave, and that is where our website decays.

To delight consumers, beat competitors, and please Google, your site should load in less than a second. And you’ll have to get there fast, otherwise your competitors could beat you to the finish line.

¿Does that sound impossible? Web throughput  is no longer an art, but a science.

¿How to accelerate the website to the top of success and get organic results?

  1. Use JPG images and optimize their size:

    The format of PNG images is an excellent format, preserves the quality of images, allows transparencies and even compresses files; BUT not so much with a JPG file. This is like racing cars, to be faster we need to optimize and eliminate some things, in this case we need to compress the images, and to get compressed images and quality; JPG is the best option. So start prioritizing the use of JPG files and limit the use of PNG files.

  2. Optimize the loading of your scripts:

    LazyLoad is an excellent plugin that uses jQuery to identify the images in your code and delay loading them. It is also recommended to use tools such as Adsense and Google Analytics. They turn out to be some of the most common scripts on a website; and the vast majority are inserted in the header of the website in the <head> tag. This is not a golden rule; as technologies have advanced and the emergence of Asynchronous loading of scripts this task has found alternatives.

  3. CDN Services:

    It is also recommended to use CDN services for images as well as for Scripts and CSS files; since we reduce the load and the ping to our site is faster. If you do not have to afford a CDN service in the case of scripts you can look for script servers; Google in particular offers this service for free for some of the most popular Frameworks.

¿Did you make a note of that? Applying some of these main factors, your website will be much faster without losing customers.

Source: Frogx3/Redaction

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