A new year began, loaded with energy, new experiences, new learning and new events. Well, this 2019 Australia; will be the protagonist of one of the biggest events of SEO and Digital Marketing. We are talking about “Friends Of Search” where it will take place this February 6 in Kromhoutha, Amsterdam, and where you can learn with the best experts in SEO and how to generate valuable content and how it will be their future.
Friends Of Search – SEO is present and future
As an Ecommerce or online sales manager, your daily work environment is constantly changing. You must keep up with the most important international developments; know how other companies use your search engine marketing and search engine optimization.
The Friends Of Search conference gives you the opportunity to meet international search experts in Amsterdam; so they can share their knowledge with you. Also this year there are many inspiring search speakers on the Kromhouthal stage.
The event has been awaited by many. The tickets were sold out in less than two days; that means that Friends Of Search will have a massive participation of apprentices, experts in the area; high level developers, SEO positioning specialists, content, web, etc.
An event where age will not be an impediment to be carried away by this incredible digital world that is evolving every day.
[bctt tweet=”The most important #SEO and #Marketing events of 2019 will be presented in #Australia” username=”artech_digital”]
Panel of experts
The topics to deal with are very extensive, which is why this conference is considered as one of the best events in SEO and digital marketing; that has been done, both for the great potential of each speaker, as the topics that will be explained.
The list is constituted by:
Jason Miller Director of Brand Marketing at Microsoft EMEA, and former Director of Content and Social Marketing at LinkedIn Sales & Marketing Solutions; will have the opportunity to present the theme “The Intersection of Search and Creativity”.
James Whittaker – Director of Engineering, will also take to the stage, talking a little about the revolutionary Artificial Intelligence technology; with the theme “AI gets closer (and the search will never be the same again)”.
expert Melanie Deziel, speaker and founder of StoryFuel branded stories, will share the top five journalistic best practices that allow marketers to generate authentic creative and high quality content to attract organic traffic. The theme will be “Everyone Loves a Good Story: The Five Characteristics of Effective Content”. Learn how to create compelling, effective and reliable journalistic content.
The “Technical SEO for JS sites” session will feature Martin Splitt – Developer Advocate Google; where he will discuss how modern JavaScript web applications work and what we need to take into account to ensure that we serve our users and remain visible on search engines.
“SEO SuperWoman” Aleyda Solis Founder and International SEO Consultant – Orainti, highly specialized will discuss everything you need to know about SEO and how to position yourself on Google.
Just like them, continue another amount of experts in the field, is unmissable. Friends Of Search will help you to start your digital world; and what are the techniques to follow in order to achieve organic traffic.
Source/ friendsofsearch.nl
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