Social networks, Big Data and the Internet of things are shaping the way of perceiving and satisfying needs, giving rise to new conceptions of marketing based on technology, an example of this is Martech.
Marketing has evolved into a much wider definition that enriches the relationship between brands and their customers.
What is martech?
Martech is the result of the union of the words “marketing and technology”. Practically anyone involved with digital marketing is inside the scope of Martech. This term applies especially to initiatives that use technological tools to achieve the goals proposed by the marketing area of any company or organization.
The Martech allows to develop innovations around the social intelligence that we can develop as a result of the available technology; promoting the creation and improvement of products or services.
The principal areas of Martech where there is the possibility of developing business strategies are based on:
- Business Analytics Solutions: Tools that make sense of the information received through omnicanality.
- Mobile Marketing: Solutions that allow to take advantage of mobile platforms for the promotion of products or services, besides detecting the taste of consumers.
- Big Data: The use of the latest technologies for the management and interpretation of huge amounts of data, which allow the construction of high value information.
- Cloud Marketing: Any type of marketing oriented technology that is based on cloud services.
- Social Network Monitoring: Development of platforms to understand, predict and consolidate the information generated through different social networks.
Advantages that can be achieved through Martech
The benefits that can be made are numerous. Here are the principal ones:
- Detection and analysis of content with real-time response through the integration of data from various sources.
- Superior and deeper understanding of the audience of a product or service, allowing to identify its promoters or detractors, facilitating contact; with those who influence the target audience.
- Decision making is simplified, as we can consider not only the monitoring of a specific campaign, but also on an ongoing basis.
- The development of relational marketing is facilitated by being able to obtain more extensive information from our consumers and, therefore, to be able to design better proposals.
Today’s customers are becoming increasingly demanding in terms of price, quality and value. They expect to have a personalized experience, regardless of the channel they use, adapted to the moment, for this reason the Martech will continue in constant development, therefore, the professionals of the area must be attentive to its constant growth.
Source : ADEM
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