WhatsApp, the most popular messaging application worldwide, announces a modification that will give much to talk about; they will introduce paid publicity in their known states, a measure that seems to be risky for the company.
This monetization tool, according to the company, was created with the objective of facilitating contact between companies and users; an objective that must first be recognized by the regular users of this platform, because advertising has never been well received.
WhatsApp Announces
The intriguing statement was given to Indian magazine Outlook through responsible Chris Daniels, vice president of the communications giant; however, there Daniels corroborates that the states section of WhatsApp will now have paid advertising.
However, WhatsApp’s vice president did not mention during his statement the start date of this new section, leaving a great uncertainty among users who are also anxious to know and know this update.
Other platforms
It is recommended, to remember that in the beginning most platforms do not integrate advertising; this in order to create a better relationship between the platform and users, giving them a more comfortable experience.
Once they become known and in many indispensable cases can take the step towards publicity, because it is a decision that could cause rejection of not being applied in a correct and minimally invasive way.
As a first example we have the giant of videos in horizontal format as Youtube is; this platform despite it started without advertising currently has many companies advertising in it through videos.
It is also one of the social networks with more users such as Facebook, these started as a center of entertainment and interaction and after its boom decided to add paid advertising.
On the other, hand, we have the most used photography app in the world as Instagram is; this platform started without publicity and as it was updated it was included in more sections.
How the update works
Daniels, vice president of WhatsApp company said that publicity in states will become their principal source of monetization; and it is estimated that they will not be annoying or unpleasant for users.
This these will be exactly like the states we already know with a duration of 24 hours; in the formats that have recurred in the platform such as photography, video and text.
It was also known that these ads will be driven by the same system that manages the social network facebook, a system that also uses advertising that is located in the stories of Instagram.
[bctt tweet=”The new publicity systems go hand by hand with the strongest #SocialNetworks of the moment Instagram and Facebook. ” username=”artech_digital”]
Brian Acton and Jan Koum both founders WhatsApp made statements about this update before its official confirmation; in the case of Acton through Forbesel 26 where he mentioned it during an interview.
It should be noted that the two founders of the message and communications giants mentioned above left WhatsApp; a fact that happened this year.
Mark Zuckerberg is the current owner of the instant messaging application, this from 2014, the year in which he acquired this company of more than 1,500 million users in 19,000 million dollars.
Now that everything is moving towards publicity, ¿What new methods will marketers bring and what reaction will come from users?
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