by Gregori Freites | Nov 25, 2020 | Blog
A lot of money is being invested in the promotion of Spotlight, the new Snapchat feature that seeks with an investment of one million dollars a day to encourage users to send their best content using the new mode. Spotlight is described as Snapchat’s answer to...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
We all know the SEO hats and the rating they give to each one. Black, grey, white, all in a categorization of techniques; substantially good or bad to apply in terms of positioning. The color-coded terminology of SEO is so “old school”. Find out why this...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 19, 2020 | Blog
For the first time Instagram’s keyword search its allowing users to find content in a more intuitive way for the social media platform users. Until now, users could only search for content by hashtags, location tags, user names and profile names. This left a...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 17, 2020 | Blog
Is positioning a video on YouTube the same or easier than placing content on Google’s SERP? Let’s find out. By 2022, online video will make up over 82% of all consumer Internet traffic, according to Cisco. People watch an average of 16 hours of online...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 16, 2020 | Blog
Have you ever wondered how the data collected by Artificial Intelligence can help direct the steps of your strategy? Here we explain it to you. As pay-per-click (PPC) costs continue to rise, it is more important than ever for merchants and digital advertising agencies...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 13, 2020 | Blog
It’s no secret that visual content is the most engaging trend. We know that content formats such as video, computer graphics, GIFs, memes and more should be part of your content strategy, but did you know that these also impact your site’s SEO? How does...