Google Plus was a bet of the search engine giant a few years ago. It didn’t turn out all right, but it still had millions of users.
A few weeks ago, Google reported the closure of Google plus; for having found a significant security breach, a serious data infiltration that affects its users.
However, this vulnerability allowed the filtering of private data of users during the last 3 years. Undoubtedly a serious flaw.
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Force measurement by Google plus
Google plus allowed us to position a website by search engine results. In fact, Google imposed in its launch its principal function was the connection of their profiles, to obtain optimal positioning results.
One of the first actions of great importance that must be done; is to make an extensive analysis of how the social network is; and how much benefit it generated to our website.
This is called “acquired strength” by Google plus. It is identified in the visits to the profile, the relevance of the publications made for the search engine or even for the Google News section.
Weighing the number of visits received from the publications in Google plus, as well as the positions reached, will be vital to evaluate how much effort we must make in the short term, if we want to keep this same strength, or at least try.
Probably means less impact for most websites, but it is necessary to analyze the value of Google plus as a social network for our site.
¿Was a lot of own content shared through it? ¿Did it encourage the visits of other users of the social network? ¿Were the page views multiplied thanks to this function?
If the answers are positive, we should try to redirect the users to the other social networks; which at the moment it seems that they will stay much longer and that is the most important thing not to lose the user.
The relationship between Google plus and the company
Finally, we must identify what relationship we had established with Google plus. For example, many sites related the human team with links to profiles in the social network, among other things because Google required it.
In order to promote a more updated image of the company and avoid broken links; or error pages when visitors click, we must considerably reduce the presence of this link, until a future complete disappearance.
Source / news seo
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