by Gregori Freites | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
We all know the SEO hats and the rating they give to each one. Black, grey, white, all in a categorization of techniques; substantially good or bad to apply in terms of positioning. The color-coded terminology of SEO is so “old school”. Find out why this...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 10, 2020 | Blog
It’s no secret that Chrome SEO extensions make your daily work faster and more efficient. They vary in function; some provide a quick route to discovering specific SEO problems, while others offer easy functionality to change the view, so you can reduce page...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 4, 2020 | Blog
It’s no secret that social media marketing trends change rapidly. You may see a hashtag trend on TikTok before you go to bed, but when you wake up, everyone is talking about a new hashtag or meme on Twitter. Certainly, it can be difficult for small businesses...
by Gregori Freites | Oct 30, 2020 | Blog
There are still many SEO secrets for many beginners, but even advanced users must keep up with what is happening in the world of online marketing. We’ve compiled a list of ten SEO facts you’ve probably never heard of. Even if you have, this is a friendly...