by Gregori Freites | Dec 4, 2020 | Blog
Whether you have a new blog, a lifestyle magazine, or a great national news website, you probably have tags and tag pages in your arsenal. The important question is, are web tags necessary? Are they a friend or a foe when it comes to SEO? Let’s investigate. What...
by Gregori Freites | Dec 1, 2020 | Blog
The platform is giving the possibility to publish sponsored ads from Instagram user accounts by updating the branded content ads. Branded content ads were introduced last year as a way for influencers to identify when their publications are sponsored by a company or...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 27, 2020 | Blog
The Twitter verification system returned after closing public requests three years ago. The program is being relaunched with some changes in the process. The plan now is to relaunch the applications in early 2021, allowing time to gather information about how the...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
We all know the SEO hats and the rating they give to each one. Black, grey, white, all in a categorization of techniques; substantially good or bad to apply in terms of positioning. The color-coded terminology of SEO is so “old school”. Find out why this...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 19, 2020 | Blog
For the first time Instagram’s keyword search its allowing users to find content in a more intuitive way for the social media platform users. Until now, users could only search for content by hashtags, location tags, user names and profile names. This left a...