by Gregori Freites | Nov 19, 2020 | Blog
For the first time Instagram’s keyword search its allowing users to find content in a more intuitive way for the social media platform users. Until now, users could only search for content by hashtags, location tags, user names and profile names. This left a...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 5, 2020 | Blog
“An easy, fun and creative way to take, edit and share photos, videos and messages with friends and family. This is a brief description of Instagram. What about Instagram for business screenings? Instagram allows you to publish and interact with your audience in...
by Gregori Freites | Oct 26, 2020 | Blog
Just six years ago, video constituted approximately 5.5% of the brands’ Facebook content. By 2020, it nearly tripled to 15% of brand content and managed to reach and Increasing audience on Facebook. This is just one of the results of a recent Facebook video...
by Fernando Aguero | Feb 18, 2020 | Artech Digital News, Blog
At the age of twelve Gustav Baumeister, after several visits to the office of the “Principal”, heard about Berk’s algorithm. “It’s software that makes my job emotionally easier,” the director said with a satisfied look. “Every...
by Fernando Aguero | Feb 11, 2020 | Blog
The online fraud of which many are victims, because they neglect their digital identity, brings Venezuelans to their heads. The South American country has been transformed into a veritable river of turmoil that brings profits to phishers. Pablo Andrade, a native of...