by Gregori Freites | Oct 16, 2020 | Blog
Why are we tracking the upcoming changes in Google’s algorithms instead of directing them? It seems like a strange question. But perhaps our current assumptions and predictions are part of the problem of the chase. As SEO-centric content marketing specialists,...
by Fernando Aguero | Sep 3, 2019 | Artech Digital News
Among the factors that reach greater impact on the way we position, are undoubtedly, Google updates, so it is always better to be on the move and keep up to date, so that way, updates such as Google Medical Update do not take us unawares, as at the time came to take...
by Fernando Aguero | Aug 21, 2019 | Artech Digital News
As time goes by, new terms are added to the SEO experts’ dictionary, so there is no time to be left behind. You have to take what’s in the air, such as SEO Crawling; a trend that sets a definitive precedent in the way you can see your online optimization....