by Alejandro Mendez | Dec 10, 2018 | Artech Digital News
PURCHASE AND SALE OF CRYPTO CURRENCIES: The cryptocurrency show to be directly related to the notorious market growth occurred in 2017. This according to information published by entities linked to these platforms, as well as to the offers that can be seen in sites of...
by Alejandro Mendez | Nov 21, 2018 | Artech Digital News
The technology IOTA and Blockchain for several years that is on everyone’s lips, wanting to invest in these new innovations. However, lately IOTA and Blockchain are revolutionizing even more the economic industry; benefiting independent people, as well as...
by Alejandro Mendez | Nov 13, 2018 | Blog
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data aimed at companies based in the retail segment are tools that can be rescued as the soul of the sixth edition of the Mobile Commerce Congress held in Spain recently. All the technological advances destined for the gigantic...
by Alejandro Mendez | Oct 22, 2018 | Artech Digital News
We have seen how new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, automated systems, big data, etc., have given an important blow in the life of the human beings. In this part, we will talk about the new Anki Vector automatic system, the mini robot that talks, takes...
by Alejandro Mendez | Oct 18, 2018 | Blog
IOTA technology is one of the technologies with the greatest interest in the technological world; in view of this, the first Meetup of IOTA Latino on IOTA – Tangle in Latin America is incorporated, specifically in the city of Valencia, Venezuela; as part of the...