Google Search Console Another Google Advantage

Google Search Console Another Google Advantage

Google Search Console is among the benefits offered by Google, a service that gives way to the monitoring of the website that is managed and keeping constant attention on the objective: Your positioning. As Google crawls, analyzes and indexes websites, the aspects...
MinerGate: Mining technology for everyone.

MinerGate: Mining technology for everyone.

The crypto currencies have not been left behind. “MinerGate” is born from the way that as incredible technological advances are made, the cryptocurrencies continue proliferating in a constant and fast way, promoting the development of different types of...
OKOIN launches second round ICO

OKOIN launches second round ICO

Second round of the ICO is already dated. On 25 January 2018, the OKOIN project launches the second round of the ICO. According to the management of VR Technology, owner of the project, he explained that the second round will make the token more liquid and stable...