by Gregori Freites | Dec 21, 2020 | Blog
John Mueller of Google answered a question about how Google handles copied content. Mueller’s answer covered different types of duplicated content. He ended his answer with an observation about the original source of the content and its relevance. How does...
by Gregori Freites | Dec 10, 2020 | Blog
What will SEO be like in 2021 for professionals? It’s time to take a yearly look at what awaits SEO professionals in 2021. Lily Ray, SEO Director at Path Interactive explains: “Above all, a great SEO strategy should start by putting yourself in the...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
We all know the SEO hats and the rating they give to each one. Black, grey, white, all in a categorization of techniques; substantially good or bad to apply in terms of positioning. The color-coded terminology of SEO is so “old school”. Find out why this...
by Gregori Freites | Nov 16, 2020 | Blog
Have you ever wondered how the data collected by Artificial Intelligence can help direct the steps of your strategy? Here we explain it to you. As pay-per-click (PPC) costs continue to rise, it is more important than ever for merchants and digital advertising agencies...
by Gregori Freites | Oct 16, 2020 | Blog
Why are we tracking the upcoming changes in Google’s algorithms instead of directing them? It seems like a strange question. But perhaps our current assumptions and predictions are part of the problem of the chase. As SEO-centric content marketing specialists,...