by Fernando Aguero | Oct 12, 2020 | Blog
In the world of SEO there is a wide range of methods to achieve everything that is proposed for positioning. Talking about link building, under the sun there is also a lot of quantity, however, today we are going to talk about quality. To save a lot of time reading...
by Fernando Aguero | Aug 21, 2019 | Artech Digital News
Several users reported with strong disappointment, the serious failure that happens with the Facebook Ads platform in Venezuela. From their accounts in the social network and even from Twitter, the users besides reporting the inconveniences aroused in the platform;...
by Fernando Aguero | Aug 14, 2019 | Marketing
There is no doubt that influencer marketing; it has gained quite a lot of ground within digital marketing strategies today… although, it is also quite true that it could involve a considerable risk to your company’s budget or your brand. Therefore, in this...
by Fernando Aguero | Aug 13, 2019 | Marketing
Clearly, the competition on the Internet is increasingly sharp, the great battle to make visible and lasting the name of your brand, has become a challenge, which you must be willing to face with the most infallible Digital Marketing Strategies. Also, it is quite...
by Milexy Maldonado | Jun 4, 2019 | Artech Digital News, Marketing
The email marketing (emailing or e-mailing) is a communication tool that has the brand to communicate with the customer. It is a very powerful tool that, well used, can give very good results, especially conversion- And now the 7 benefits at the business level. 7 ...