by Milexy Maldonado | Jun 21, 2019 | Blog
From the moment Google appeared, the SEO strategy has changed considerably, in addition the organic traffic has become one of the fundamental pillars for the web, blog, e-commerce, news sites, among others; so these can be tracked, indexed and positioned by search...
by Katerin Crespo | May 11, 2019 | Artech Digital News
It is no secret to anybody that technology has monopolized all the branches of our daily life and work; One of these branches where we will refer is to marketing and also to the relationship that technology has had in all its advances. This relationship, whether...
by Fernando Aguero | May 10, 2019 | Artech Digital News
Talking about WordPress SEO Plugins is coming to the surface as we observe the rapid evolution of the platform to SEO our site on the web. The additional functions implied by Plugins are definitely inclined towards SEO; since it has been evident for some time now that...
by Katerin Crespo | Apr 26, 2019 | Artech Digital News
A marketing strategy does not always have the desired success, and as no one is exempt from it, in this case we will talk about rebranding, a technique that will help you resolve any setback that you are presented with the results of your proposal. What is rebranding?...
by Katerin Crespo | Apr 25, 2019 | Artech Digital News
Social networks, Big Data and the Internet of things are shaping the way of perceiving and satisfying needs, giving rise to new conceptions of marketing based on technology, an example of this is Martech. Marketing has evolved into a much wider definition that...