by Gregori Freites | Nov 4, 2020 | Blog
It’s no secret that social media marketing trends change rapidly. You may see a hashtag trend on TikTok before you go to bed, but when you wake up, everyone is talking about a new hashtag or meme on Twitter. Certainly, it can be difficult for small businesses...
by Katerin Crespo | Jan 30, 2020 | Artech Digital News
Social networks have been the channel most used by users to express different feelings and emotions, so the emotional communication in instagram makes the brand we represent generate profits, either by their sales or by their popularity. What make a notable difference...
by Fernando Aguero | Aug 14, 2019 | Marketing
There is no doubt that influencer marketing; it has gained quite a lot of ground within digital marketing strategies today… although, it is also quite true that it could involve a considerable risk to your company’s budget or your brand. Therefore, in this...
by Andreina Medina | Apr 26, 2019 | Artech Digital News
Elizabeth Ogaz of Chilean nationality, is an ordinary person whose job it is to have a local, selling ” Flowers ” and, she was the ex-employee of the marriage of the ex-president of the National Association of the Professional Football of Chile (ANFP)...
by Andreina Medina | Apr 3, 2019 | Artech Digital News
Social networks have become part of our day to day; and one more way to communicate. Through our profiles we share our life and our tastes with an entire community. This has practically become a “necessity” for us. They were born to make it easier to buy...